
Welcome Viewers!

This extensive factsheet is a compilation of various studies, datapoints, pieces of academic literature, media, and otherwise helpful and informative resources aimed at combating reactionary rhetoric and detailing the many logical approaches to justifying leftist and progressive values.

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The original source library was created as a Google document on June 15, 2019, but was flagged without warning nor reason on December 6, 2020. It was recreated as another Google doc and lasted until late November 2022. It has since moved to this new location. As it has been taken down multiple times before, it’s possible it could be taken down again. Feel free to download these webpages onto your own device as an html or archive it with a webpage archiver.

Table of Contents

More Resource Compilations  
Transgender Issues Medical Consensus ● Medical Transition ● Social Transition ● Puberty Blockers ● Prevalence of Discrimination ● Impact of Discrimination ● Impact of Social/Familial Support ● Chosen Name/Pronoun Usage ● Bathroom Bills ● Prisons ● Public Perception and Depiction ● Trans Athletes ● Neurology/Biology ● Detransition/Regret ● Canada’s C-16 Bill ● In the Military ● Depathologization ● Addressing Reactionary Claims ● Additional Resources
Gender and Sex Gendered Behavior ● They/Them Pronouns ● Sex is Not Binary ● Gender and Sex are Different ● Gender in the Past ● Gender Across Cultures ● Gender Equality Paradox ● Addressing Misconceptions about Gender and Sex
GSRM/LGBTQ Issues Conversion Therapy/Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) ● Homosexual Parenting ● Gay Nature vs Nurture ● Family Support ● Marriage Equality ● Legal Protection ● Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination ● Homosexuality and Pedophilia ● Demographic Reference ● Rebutting myths about LGB people ● Rebutting Anti-LGB Studies
Understanding Capitalism What is Capitalism? ● What is the Labor Theory of Value? (Classical and Marxian Theory) ● What is the Marginal Utility (“Subjective”) Theory of Value? (Mainstream/Neoclassical Theory) ● On LTV Empirical Evidence
Wealth Inequality General ● Wages ● Growth ● Stocks and Investment ● Unions ● Wage Theft (non-marxian)
Worker Ownership Worker Co-ops ● ESOP and Employee Ownership ● Additional Resources
Financial Support Minimum Wage ● UBI and Redistributive Cash Transfers ● Welfare ● Government Assistance Doesn’t Make People Lazy
Other Economy Workplace Engagement and Compensation ● Generational Gap ● Innovation
Socialism Quality of Life ● Polling in Socialist Countries ● Socialist Democracy and the extent of its Authoritarianism
Healthcare U.S. Healthcare Problems ● U.S. Medicare for All ● General Universal Healthcare Benefits
Terror and Extremism Murders and Attacks ● Hate Crime
Democracy (US politics) Flawed Democracy ● Electoral College ● Gerrymandering ● Felon Disenfranchisement ● Voter Fraud ● Reforms to Democracy ● Authoritarianism
General Race/Racism Racism Misconceptions ● Subconscious Bias ● Housing/Lending ● Jobs and Hiring ● Education ● Voting and Voter ID ● Youth ● Affirmative Action ● Black Culture ● Common Black Culture Myths ● Racial Segregation (Historical) ● Defending Juneteenth ● Responses to Common Questions about Discrimination Studies ● Additional Resources
Criminal Justice Racism Police Far Right Connections ● Police Subconscious Bias ● Policing and Traffic Stops ● Stop and Frisk ● Bias in Police Use of Force ● Juries and Jury Selection ● Death Penalty Racism ● Prosecutors, Discretion, and Plea Bargaining ● Judges and Sentencing ● Prison and Incarceration ● Drug War and Racism ● In Other Countries ● Possible Solutions ● Additional Studies ● Addressing Reactionary/Anti-BLM Claims ● Addressing Specific Reactionary Studies
Drug Decriminalization The Drug War - General ● Decriminalization ● Treatment ● Safe Consumption Rooms
Prisons and Crime Predictors of Crime ● Rehabilitation ● Private Prisons ● Deterrence Theory ● Death Penalty ● Red States vs Blue States
Police - Non-racism Casualties ● Policing Efficacy & Corruption
Racialism and Race Realism General ● Race Classification ● Nature vs Nurture ● Twin Studies and EEA ● GWAS & PGS ● Missing heritability & Nonadditive variation ● IQ and g ● Race and Craniology ● Public Perception (Regarding genetics) ● Testosterone Differences? ● Race & Crime ● Taboo on Race & Intelligence is nonexistent ● Modern Eugenics? ● Certain Authors
Women & Feminism Anti-Abortion Legislation ● Impact of Abortion on Women ● Abortion - Philosophical Stuff ● Gender Wage/Income Gap ● False Rape Accusations
Guns Violence & Video Games
Sex (outside the context of gender) Sex Work ● Casual Sex
Imperialism U.S. Interventionism ● Anti-American Terrorism ● Arms Deals
Immigration (US politics) Crime ● Diversity Doesn’t Hurt Social Cohesion ● Economic Growth ● Jobs and Wages ● Taxes and Social Security ● Public Benefits ● Deportation ● Southern Border
Immigration (EU politics) Brexit ● Crime ● Jobs and Wages ● Taxes and Welfare ● Economic Growth
Fossil Fuels Land and Air Damage ● Subsidies ● Trump and Coal
Renewable Energy Effectiveness
Nuclear Energy Benefits
Climate and Pollution Rising Temperatures ● Rising CO2 Emissions ● Ice Loss ● Impact of Climate Change ● Anthropogenic Consensus ● Air Pollution ● Climate Denialism - Analysis ● Climate Denialism - Rebuttals ● Additional Resources
Social Media Censorship ● Misinformation
Vaccines Vaccines are Good ● Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Or SIDS ● Debunking Misc Anti-Vax Claims
Contra Capitalism Pro-Capitalism ● Social Democracy
Contra Reactionary Ideology Their Talkers ● Miscellaneous
Contra Alt-right Ideology 13/50 and related FBI-UCR stats ● Conceptualization of African History ● Holocaust Denial/Revisionism

Some other notes:

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And of course, thank you to the various onlookers and unlisted contributors who have contributed to the doc!