

Socialism is when the government does stuff. The more socialist it is, the more stuff it does. And if it does a real lot of stuff, it’s communism” - Carl Marks, 1738

If you’re completely lost on what socialism is, take a look at this webpage as a starting point.

Quality of Life

Quality of Life


Polling in Socialist Countries

Polling in Socialist Countries

Polling consistently find that people in most ex-socialist countries feel that life was better under socialism than it is under capitalism. (Editor’s Note: With the exception of the Russian Levada Poll, all of these were done during the height of the Great Recession. It is possible that they are not measuring desire for the Soviet Union so much as they are dissatisfaction with capitalism)

Socialist Democracy and the extent of its Authoritarianism

Socialist Democracy and the extent of its Authoritarianism

People accuse the USSR and other socialist countries of ruling by fear and not having any democratic rule. This is true to an extent, but not to the extent that reactionary historians claim.