- United Nations (cited)
- Overpopulation is a lie
- “The global fertility rate is expected to be 1.9 births per woman by 2100, down from 2.5 today (replacement levels are 2.1)”
- The UN cites the following reasons for slowing population growth:
- human development
- reductions in child mortality
- increased levels of education (in particular for women and girls)
- increased urbanization
- expanded access to reproductive health-care services (including for family planning)
- women’s empowerment and growing labour force participation
- Pressman et al. 10
- Leisure activities are an important contribution to wellbeing.
- These positive effects include:
- lower blood pressure
- lower total cortisol
- shorter waist circumference
- lower body mass index
- better perceptions of better physical function
- “Enjoyable leisure activities, taken in the aggregate, are associated with psychosocial and physical measures relevant for health and well-being.”
- Pew Research 19
- Contrary to common belief, Generation Z is more left-leaning than any prior generation of Americans.
- Generation Z people are most likely to:
- know a person who uses they/them pronouns
- recognize the systematic mistreatment of black people
- believe the government should play a role in addressing social issues
- acknowledge humans’ role in climate change
- champion racial/ethnic diversity
- support same-sex/interracial marriage.
- Kight 19
- Generation Z views social democratic policies more positively than other generations

- Scientific American: Bryner 12
- “Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals” (we all love irony, don’t we)
- Psychology Today: Barber 09
- Conservatives and conservative states consume more porn. Causal interpretation of researchers: suppression of certain attitudes leads to an increased desire due to their total absence.
- Wierckx 14
- Sexual desire in trans people after HRT/SRS
- “The majority of trans women reported a decrease in sexual desire after SRT, whereas the opposite was observed in trans men. Our results show a significant sexual impact of surgical interventions and both hormonal and surgical treatment satisfaction on the sexual desire in trans persons.”
- more topical info
- InterPress Service: Lobe 19
- One example of incredibly skewed media focus
- The royal wedding received over triple the media coverage of Yemen in 2018
- Yemen has been called the “worst humanitarian disaster” by the United Nations
- Yemen received a grand combined total of 20 minutes of coverage on the ABC, NBC, and CBS weekday evening news programs in 2018.
- This is compared to:
- a total of 71 minutes that the three major networks devoted to the British royal wedding
- a total of 100 minutes dedicated to the rescue of a dozen young cave explorers from flooding in Thailand
- https://www.nydailynews.com/sports/5-poll-takeaways-white-support-colin-kaepernick-article-1.2836465?outputType=amp
- Finds that Republicans disapprove of anthem protests more than military members.
- “A whopping 77% of Republicans believe not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to the freedoms the anthem represents.”
- “Interestingly, a lesser percentage of U.S. military veterans polled (61%) believed not standing for the anthem was also disrespectful. In short, Republicans, who often associate the anthem with the military, are more likely to be offended on behalf of the military than veterans themselves.”
- A significant 35% of military veterans DO NOT believe anthem protests are disrespectful. While 35% does not constitute a majority, it does make up a significant minority of dissent to put to rest common assumptions military members are a monolithic group with a monolithic opinion.
- https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/10/09/Service-members-veterans-weigh-in-on-NFL-protest/8551507576037/
- The IAVA study released Sunday found that 98 percent of service members and veterans believe the First Amendment protects the right to peacefully protest, with 62 percent lamenting that NFL players have the right to protest during a game.
CLAIM: If you don’t like the country, then leave!
This is just an Ergo decedo fallacy. To respond to the criticism of a critic by implying that the critic is motivated by undisclosed favorability or affiliation to an out-group, rather than responding to the criticism itself isn’t a valid argument.