

Conversion Therapy

Conversion Therapy/Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE)

CT increases depression and suicide attempts, does not have public nor professional backing, and lacks proof of its effectiveness.

Homosexual Parenting

Homosexual Parenting

Homosexual parents are just as good as heterosexual ones, according the the majority of research on the subject. However, most of the research is poor in quality or flawed in some other way, leaving a need for higher quality research.

Gay Nature vs Nurture

Gay Nature vs Nurture

Much of this article takes its sources from this Scientific American article and it should be cited if referring to this whole section.

Brain Development and Sexual Orientation

Family Support

Family Support

Familial support and acceptance is vital to the mental health and wellbeing of GSRM youth

Marriage Equality

Marriage Equality

Associated with positive mental health outcomes, establishing a more utilitarian argument to the legalization of same-sex marriage

Legal Protection

Legal Protection

Anti-bullying laws decrease suicidal ideation and increase safety

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination

LGBT People experience disproportionate homelessness, hostility of family (negative statements. shaming), harassment at school, and physical and sexual abuse

Homosexuality and Pedophilia

Homosexuality and Pedophilia

General overview:

Videos that cover a lot of the stuff in this section but in video format:

It’s important to note that most studies on this topic are several decades old, usually from the 70s and 80s. Studies conducted back then didn’t have the same resources or level of knowledge that we do today, and also society’s opinions on gay people have changed a lot since that time period. These studies may be tainted with decades-old cultural bias as a result of what most people believed at the time.

Typologies of child sex offenders:

Before talking about homosexuality in relation to pedophilia, we have to understand how exactly pedophilia and CSA breaks down. Groth & Birnbaum 1978 is an old but important study which put together a framework for this. It broke down a sample of 175 child sex offenders into two groups: “fixated” and “regressive”, though today they’re referred to as “preferential” and “situational” respectively.

This typology was made in the 70s, but was further studied and expanded on in following decades (more info on that here). There are other typologies but the preferential/situational typology is still broadly accepted in the academic community, just with some nuance talked about in the above links.

So where do gay people come into play? The original 1978 study talked about this at length and went as far as to argue that homosexual pedophiles are a phenomenon entirely separate from normal gay men. This passage from the study explains:

There were no peer-oriented homosexual males in our sample who regressed to children. Homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia are not synonymous. In fact, it may be that these two orientations are mutually exclusive, the reason being that the homosexual male is sexually attracted to masculine qualities whereas the heterosexual male is sexually attracted to feminine characteristics, and the sexually immature child’s qualities are more feminine than masculine.

Essentially, normal gay people are entirely different from pedophiles because the qualities that gay men find attractive in other men are completely different from the qualities that pedophiles (straight or otherwise) find attractive in children. This also means that a male pedophile who molests a boy is not automatically gay - this is very important to remember when looking at studies on this subject, and something that a lot of people forget.

Useful studies:

Flawed/unreliable studies:

Demographic Reference

Demographic Reference

Rebutting Myths about LGB People

Rebutting Myths about LGB People

This related document also covers some material so I’d recommend you give it a look as well.

1. Gay people molest kids far more frequently than straight people.

2. People become gay as a result of sexual abuse at a young age.

3. Gay people have 500-1000 sexual partners in their lifetime. just go here, it addresses the claim pretty well

4. Homosexuality was only declassified as a mental disorder from the DSM in 1973 because of activist pressure.

5. Homosexuality is unhealthy to the point where it reduces your lifespan by 20 years. We shouldn’t be affirming towards something so destructive.

6. Other material covers some more general stuff

Rebutting Anti-LGB Studies

Rebutting Anti-LGB Studies

This related document also covers some studies so I’d recommend you give it a look as well.

1. Regnerus 12, sometimes called the New Family Structures Study (wikipedia)

2. “Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation” aka Spitzer 2001 (more info) (a bit more) (non-paywall)

3. Nicolosi et al. 2000

4. Sullins 2016

5. “Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?” aka Roberts, Glymour, Koenen 2012

6. “Emotionally Absent Fathers: Furthering the Understanding of Homosexuality” aka Seutter & Rovers 2004

7. Schumm 2010

8. More briefs on how anti-gay groups have misrepresented scientific data to support their agendas: