

13/50 and related FBI-UCR stats

13/50 and related FBI-UCR stats

“Despite making up 13% of the population, blacks commit 50% of the violent crime.” This claim is addressed thoroughly here without diving too much into socio-economic factors. A lot of the points made here can also be applied to other UCR stats, as we also address the general reliability of the UCR program. Here is a google doc version of this section**

Is 13/50 even an accurate or reliable ratio to start with? The origin of 13/50 is from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) statistics [1]. Technically, these stats give you 13/50 for homicides and not all violent crime (the crime number is way lower, at 27.4%, and they don’t actually compile the exact violent crime % for us), and even these statistics show that black people were arrested for 38.7% of homicides [2] when you include thousands of homicides where the race of the perpetrator was unknown, so the people using 13/50 should actually be using 13/38 (or at least acknowledge we don’t have an exact number and that our best guess would be within a broader range). It’s not even surprising that we don’t know the race of many murderers - around 40% of reported homicides go unsolved [3], a huge gap in the data, and in general we see a lot of crime go unreported to police [4]. On top of this, when you use the 38.7% figure, this UCR data still has limitations for the following reasons:

  1. The statistic refers to arrests made, not convictions or any other research body on this issue. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) stats are collected from law enforcement, not courts nor any other groups [5]. If police departments are racist and disproportionately arrest Black suspects (which they probably do [6]), then the number of “Black homicides” would artificially increase.

a. Even if police aren’t racist towards black people and just happen to spend too many resources in majority-black areas compared to majority white areas, there’d still be an artificial increase in arrests from black areas by virtue of them over-policing the black area. This basic thought experiment is clarified in this video (from 2:11 to 3:30).[7]

  1. It relies on voluntary reports from local law enforcement agencies [5], so it can easily suffer from racially-driven selection bias (as further evidenced in this source [8]). Law enforcement agencies are essentially allowed to choose whether to disclose their data or not. This might not be a minor problem, either - back in 2017 the FBI found that a significant number of agencies weren’t reporting those numbers to the FBI. [9]

  2. The UCR program admits that it doesn’t have a real means of ensuring that the data they receive is reliable. “The accuracy of the statistics depends primarily on the adherence of each contributor to the established standards of reporting. It is the responsibility of each state UCR Program or individual contributing law enforcement agency to submit accurate monthly statistics or correct existing data that are in error.” [5]

Keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily mean blacks don’t commit a disproportionate amount of crime. All this really does is show that 13/50 is based on data which is unreliable and that people who use 13/50 blindly probably don’t know what they’re talking about.

What if we disregarded any inaccuracies which lower the 13/50 ratio or make it unreliable? Even then, if the result of your data is that you are now saying “blacks are only 13% of the population but do 50% of the crime” then the correct response isn’t to use this as some kind of ammo for online arguments on “black people bad.” It’d be better to say, “so what are the factors that are leading black people to commit a higher number of crimes than other races, and what can be done to reduce this number?” Throwing around 13/50 without providing any deeper analysis doesn’t actually tell us what to do to lower that purported ratio.

The 13/50 data also doesn’t account for other variables - it’s raw UCR data, and thus lacks context with which we could make any meaningful interpretation of the data. This means that it doesn’t control for factors like poverty, family instability, urbanity, and so on, which all have a significant role in crime levels. Without controlling for all of these factors plus more, it’s hard to use 13/50 to make any claims regarding innate racial differences, racial discrimination, etc. If someone tries to take 13/50 and, without any further analysis, conclude that blacks are just inferior to whites, they are simply an idiot.

What if we do try to account for some of those variables? Let’s see what happens - from the Bureau of Justice Statistics [10], after accounting for poverty and urbanity (which are strong predictors in crime levels), ‘Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000)’. Keep in mind though that there are a number of predictors of crime and that it’s not a very clear cut issue at all [11], which means that just blaming crime on just these two particular factors could be just as misguided as blaming crime on just race.

What if we did accept 13/50 to be a completely accurate portrayal of reality which pertains to all violent crime and not just homicides? Well, even this still isn’t necessarily damning to black people as a group. Crime rates within population groups tend to be skewed to a small minority of that population [12], and regardless high crime rates don’t justify abandoning or discriminating against black people.






[6] 4 links:

[7] 2:11 to 3:30







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Holocaust Denial/Revisionism

Holocaust Denial/Revisionism

Here are a few rebuttals to Holocaust denial talking points, though not all unsubstantiated denier claims warrant an academic paper in response. The Liberal Sanity Project, who helped with Vaush’s original document, has a good video on this.

A quick word on Holocaust Deniers/Revisionists - oftentimes, they’re not open to new information or evidence. Unless they’re listening to others with their beliefs, they’ll have all the incentive in the world to troll and act in bad faith as they don’t expect a good faith response from non-believers (social stigma against Nazism plays a good role in this). With this in mind, these debunks will usually do nothing of value for you because they just don’t care what you bring to the table.

A few general resources for addressing a wide variety of claims:

1. “The estimated number of Jewish deaths in the Holocaust is wildly overinflated.”

Historians are the ones who should be described as revisionists. To receive a Ph.D. and become a professional historian, one must write an original work with research based on primary documents and new sources, reexamining or reinterpreting some historical event—in other words, revising knowledge about that event only. This is not to say, however, that revision is done for revision’s sake; it is done when new evidence or new interpretations call for a revision.

Historians have revised and continue to revise what we know about the Holocaust. But their revision entails refinement of detailed knowledge about events, rarely complete denial of the events themselves, and certainly not denial of the cumulation of events known as the Holocaust.

Holocaust deniers claim that there is a force field of dogma around the Holocaust—set up and run by the Jews themselves—shielding it from any change. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether or not the public is aware of the academic debates that take place in any field of study, Holocaust scholars discuss and argue over any number of points as research continues. Deniers do know this.

2. “Zyklon B is just a delousing agent, it can’t kill people! It was used to clean clothes! Also, even if it was lethal, why do some “gas chambers” lack the blue stain Zyklon B leaves on walls?”

3. “The Auschwitz memorial plaque death figure suddenly CHANGED from 4 million dead to 1.5 million dead. What are they hiding?”

4. “The “gas chamber” doors were made from WOOD. They clearly weren’t meant to contain people.”

5. “The camp crematoriums could not have handled that many bodies! It takes 4-8 hours to cremate a body.”

6. “The Red Cross visited a “death camp” and found that it wasn’t inhumane!”

7. “The prisoners at Auschwitz had a swimming pool! And a band! And a brothel! And a goddamn soccer team! And a dentist! Some prison, huh?”

8. “CLAIM: the Auschwitz crematoriums could not have killed 4 million people during the time it was in operation!”

Image debunks: