



Work in progress, hoped to be split up into more specific sections down the road

1. “Capitalism meets human needs better than socialism.”

2. “Capitalism is democratic.”

3. “Capitalism is eliminating global poverty.”

4. “Capitalism has a better quality of life than socialism.”

See this section.

5. “Only capitalism can make major innovations, thanks to free market competition.”

6. “Capitalism is the only system that forces you to care about the needs of others.”

How is this not true for other systems? Under feudalism, you were forced to care about those above you in the hierarchy, and to fulfill their needs. In the case of government, you usually need to satisfy the needs of your constituents at least to some extent if you don’t want to be overthrown. In ancient hunter-gatherer tribes, if you didn’t contribute to the group as a whole you were considered a lot less useful and more likely to be dumped. Why can’t altruism not be considered a key component of all functional societies rather than just of capitalist societies specifically?

7. “Capitalism is voluntary.”

8. “Capitalism is embedded in human nature/has existed forever”

9. “As the rich get richer, the poor also get richer. Wealth essentially trickles down from the capitalist class to the common worker.”

10. “Marxism/socialism/communism seeks total equality, which is impossible because total equality between individuals is impossible.”

11. “Capitalism is the most efficient system we have.”

Social Democracy

Social Democracy

The welfare state of a social democratic society is only sustainable by imperialism.