Work in progress, hoped to be split up into more specific sections down the road
1. “Capitalism meets human needs better than socialism.”
2. “Capitalism is democratic.”
- Your Democracy is a Sham and Here’s Why:
- Economic decisions are made privately by business owners then imposed onto employees. Employees do not have a say in these decisions.
- This results in a dictatorship of the capitalist class. The interests of capitalists are disproportionately represented and ensures that the state ultimately reflects capitalist interest, REGARDLESS of the working class’ needs
- This is why an overwhelming majority can support a policy and not have it passed
- Political participation outside of voting itself is only possible if you own massive amounts of money, which can only result from being a part of the capitalist class or playing with the interests of the capitalist class since you are offered a life of abundance if you do
- The capitalist class is able to use lobbying to ensure that the state exists to fulfill the needs of the bourgeoisie class
- Achieving economic democracy through existing electoralism will only result in the capitalist class doing everything in its power to remove socialist leaders from power, either by removing funding from the leader or by military action
3. “Capitalism is eliminating global poverty.”
4. “Capitalism has a better quality of life than socialism.”
See this section.
5. “Only capitalism can make major innovations, thanks to free market competition.”
- It’s good to have mentioned competition, as that’s the main driver of innovation here, not capitalism. The world wars and cold war brought about a lot of new innovation, not just in the military but also in various other fields - many of those innovations could be applied in other fields, e.g. nuclear bomb tech being refitted for power plants.
- Some innovations require lots of resources and few restrictions (e.g. making a profit), which is something which small businesses and many large firms aren’t incentived to do. For example, the development of nuclear tech, rocket technology, and the US interstate highway system all revolutionized aspects of american life but would not have been possible with a profit motive restricting incentives and the lack of resources which is accessible only truly by a large state apparatus, like the US government.
- Capitalism can easily discourage innovation by forcing firms to stick to safe trends rather than innovate which tends to be a much higher financial risk
- might also be useful, haven’t looked into it yet
- The iPhone wouldn’t exist in its modern form had it not been for essential public-sector innovations, research, and funding (e.g. U.S. Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, NASA and more). All giving the iPhone it’s famous multi-touch sensitive screen technology, its lithium ion battery, its voice recognition software known as Siri, the internet and cellular network it uses, its display, its GPS, and much more.
- A study from Health Affairs, a leading peer reviewed journal on health policy and research, looked at all patents approved by the FDA between 1988 and 2005, and finds that “direct government funding is more important in the development of “priority-review” drugs—sometimes described as the most innovative new drugs—than it is for “standard-review” drugs.” They also find that “Government funding has played an indirect role by funding basic underlying research that is built on in the drug discovery process—in almost half of the drugs approved and in almost two-thirds (66%) of priority-review (the most innovative) drugs.” In addition, “In all cases, the public-sector influence was much greater on priority-review drugs than on those receiving a standard review.”
- A study from The New England Journal of Medicine finds that through the past 40 years, 153 new FDA drugs that were approved came from public sector research institutions and that more than half of these drugs are used for the treatment or prevention of cancer or infectious diseases and that “PSRI-discovered drugs are expected to have a disproportionately large therapeutic effect”.
- Hernandez et al. 19 (Relevant articles) “In this retrospective study of pharmaceutical pricing data for 2005–16, we found that increases in the costs of specialty and generic drugs were driven by the entry of new drug products, but rising costs of brand-name drugs were largely due to inflation in existing medication prices.”
6. “Capitalism is the only system that forces you to care about the needs of others.”
How is this not true for other systems? Under feudalism, you were forced to care about those above you in the hierarchy, and to fulfill their needs. In the case of government, you usually need to satisfy the needs of your constituents at least to some extent if you don’t want to be overthrown. In ancient hunter-gatherer tribes, if you didn’t contribute to the group as a whole you were considered a lot less useful and more likely to be dumped. Why can’t altruism not be considered a key component of all functional societies rather than just of capitalist societies specifically?
7. “Capitalism is voluntary.”
8. “Capitalism is embedded in human nature/has existed forever”

9. “As the rich get richer, the poor also get richer. Wealth essentially trickles down from the capitalist class to the common worker.”
10. “Marxism/socialism/communism seeks total equality, which is impossible because total equality between individuals is impossible.”
11. “Capitalism is the most efficient system we have.”
Social Democracy
Social Democracy
The welfare state of a social democratic society is only sustainable by imperialism.