

Vaccines are safe, effective, and do not cause autism. This part of the doc is entirely credited to Unmastered, who has a Wordpress here. For convenience, you can cite all this stuff with this doc.

In light of all of the debate about COVID vaccines, it’s important to note that this section doesn’t talk about the COVID vaccine. We’ll get to that eventually but we’re lazy and there’s a LOT of ground to cover regarding that specific topic.

Vaccines are Good

Vaccines are Good

Vaccines are safe and effective at protecting against infectious diseases. Refusal or failure to vaccinate leads to outbreaks and endangers the lives of children.

Vaccines do not Cause Autism or SIDS

Vaccines do not Cause Autism or SIDS

This misinformation has been spread largely by “Anti-Vaxxers” and discredited papers. These claims too often rely on confusing correlation with causation, or have other issues with them.


Other Claims about Autism:

1. “In 1986, Autism rates were 1 in 15,000 children. After the National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act of 1986, Autism rate was 1 in 10,000. Today, it is about 1 in 50.”

2. “Somali Americans have higher rates of autism in Minnesota than other ethnic groups so they are right to be suspicious of MMR Vaccine.”


Debunking Misc Anti-Vax Claims

Debunking Misc Anti-Vax Claims

1. “CLAIM: The components in vaccines, thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum, are not safe and lead to neurotoxicity in children.”

2. “I have never been vaccinated and neither has my child and we never got sick with any of these diseases.”

3. “MMR vaccine has killed children. Disease can be deadly but so are vaccines.”

4. “The flu vaccine isn’t even effective!”

5. “Vaccine manufacturers are not regulated like other drugs. They can put whatever they want inside of them.”

6. “Parents have the right to not vaccinate their child if they so choose.”

This is a philosophical issue that comes down to different values. I would argue parents DON’T have this right. First, this “right” would lead to endangering the lives of others and their children. In other words, public health outweighs your personal beliefs about vaccines and parental authority.

7. “Vaccines make the immune system weaker. It is better to let your body fight off diseases naturally.”

8. “The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out billions of dollars to Americans who have been damaged by vaccines.”