

Check out this document by MrKazuma as well – much more up-to-date and thorough than what the Source Library has to offer.



Immigrants to the US commit less crime than native citizens.

Diversity Doesn't Hurt Social Cohesion

Diversity Doesn’t Hurt Social Cohesion

Diversity and immigration don’t hurt social cohesion. Keep in mind that this section is not focused specifically on mass immigration. (credit to Mouthy Infidel for some of this research) Keep in mind that this research needs to be reviewed again by us because I’ve heard it misrepresents stuff and lacks nuance

Economic Growth

Economic Growth

Immigrants greatly benefit the economy, growth, and innovation

Jobs and Wages

Jobs and Wages

Immigrants are a necessary component of the job market and entrepreneurship. Low-skill immigrants only sometimes cause minor depressions in the wages of low-skill native workers (those without high school diploma) and other low-skill immigrants, yet even in these cases, wage depressions are very small.

Taxes and Social Security

Taxes and Social Security

(Undocumented) Immigrants consistently pay into the system

Public Benefits

Public Benefits

Immigrants use less public benefits than native citizens



From a purely economic perspective, mass deportation of illegal immigrants would severely undermine stability and economic well-being

Significant evidence shows that enforcing deportation policy has either been ineffective in reducing crime or has actually lead to more crime insecurity through decreased crime reporting and deepening gang networks through “free rides”

Southern Border

Southern Border